Monday, August 20, 2007

Rogue Talent Guide

The Rogue Guide v2.0 - Updated 4/27/07 (wow forum)
Burning Crusade Proposed New Talents (In Talent Calculator Form)
Burning Crusade Proposed New Skills (Spells)
Rogue FAQ v4 by Chalon

Notable Weapons

Most are borrowed from Rogue Abilities

Thottbot Main-Hand Swords
Thottbot Off-Hand Swords
Warcraft's official site on Armor sets
Rogue Armor Sets
Rogue Armor with resists
Rogue Armor Spreadsheet
Rogue Armor while leveling

Rogue Talent Builds

Rogue talents are pretty straight forward and there is a lot of area to adapt them for your own desires. Even though I have provided a link to a particular build, they are there for an instruction only and should be attuned to fit your needs. I have also included a rating system on the builds and where they excel. Rogues dominate in PVP though so you won't see that rating plummit in any build.

Mutilate/Combat - 41/20/0

Example: Rogue Talents at

Arena 2vs.2: B
Arena 3vs.3: C
Arena 5vs.5: C
BGs: B
5-Mans: A
10 Mans: A
25 Mans: A
5-Man Heroic: A
World PvP: A+
Duels: A
Grinding: A

Mutilate/Subtlety - 41/0/20

Rogue Talents at

Arena 2vs.2: A
Arena 3vs.3: B
Arena 5vs.5: B
BGs: B
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: B
25 Mans: B
5-Man Heroic: A
World PvP: A+
Duels: A+
Grinding: B

Combat Daggers - 16/41/5 (-1)

Rogue Talents at

Arena 2vs.2: C
Arena 3vs.3: D
Arena 5vs.5: D
BGs: C
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: A+
25 Mans: A+
5-Man Heroic: A
World PvP: B
Duels: D
Grinding: C

Combat Swords/Maces/Fists - 16/41/0 (+4)

Rogue Talents at

Arena 2vs.2: B
Arena 3vs.3: B
Arena 5vs.5: C
BGs: B
5-Mans: A
10 Mans: A
25 Mans: B
5-Man Heroic: A
World PvP: A
Duels: A
Grinding: A+

Shadowstep - 17/3/41

Rogue Talents at

Arena 2vs.2: A
Arena 3vs.3: A
Arena 5vs.5: A
BGs: A
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: C
25 Mans: D
5-Man Heroic: C
World PvP: A+
Duels: A
Grinding: C

Arena Build - 30/0/31

Rogue Talents at

Arena 2vs.2: A+
Arena 3vs.3: A+
Arena 5vs.5: A
BGs: A
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: C
25 Mans: C
5-Man Heroic: C
World PvP: A+
Duels: A+
Grinding: C

Endless Stunlock - 32/3/26 (You hit like you are dual-weilding pillows, but you can lock someone up for a long time)

Rogue Talents at

Arena 2vs.2: A
Arena 3vs.3: A
Arena 5vs.5: B
BGs: B
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: C
25 Mans: D
5-Man Heroic: C
World PvP: A+
Duels: A+
Grinding: D

The True Man's Build for Manly Men - 0/0/0

Rogue Talents at

E-Peen: A+
Bragging Rights: A+
LOL in General: A+
LOL in Forums: A+
Respect from Rod: A+

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dagger in specific low-level zone

Elwynn Forest:
Jeweled Dagger (item level 10)

Dun Morogh
Trogg Dagger (level 3)
Bloodstained Knife (level 9)

Tirisfal Glades
Deadman Dagger (level 3)
Small Green Dagger (level 10)

Loch Modan
Stonesplinter Dagger 13

Talon of Vultros B 26
Brackclaw 19
Long Crawler Limb 15
Slicer Blade 17
Small Hand Blade 11


Redridge Mountain
Blackvenom Blade B 26
Giant Tarantula Fang 15

Naraxis' Fang 27
Hollowfang Blade 18
Venom Web Fang 19



Stranglethorn Vale

Arathi Highland
Shadow Hunter Knife 32

Alterac Mountain
Howling Blade B 36

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rogue Notable Weapons

Most are borrowed from

Rogue Abilities
Thottbot Main-Hand Swords
Thottbot Off-Hand Swords
Warcraft's official site on Armor sets
WowWiki Rogue Armor Sets
WowWiki Rogue Armor with resists
Shadow Panther's Rogue Armor Spreadsheet
Wow-Loot's Armor while leveling

Rogue Talent Builds

Rogue talents are pretty straight forward and there is a lot of room to customize them for your own needs. Even though I have provided a link to a specific build, they are there for a guideline only and should be adjusted to suit your needs. I have also included a rating system on the builds and where they excell. Rogues dominate in World PvP though so you won't see that rating plummit in any build.

Mutilate/Combat - 41/20/0


Arena 2vs.2: B
Arena 3vs.3: C
Arena 5vs.5: C
BGs: B
5-Mans: A
10 Mans: A
25 Mans: A
5-Man Heroic: A
World PvP: A+
Duels: A
Grinding: A

Mutilate/Subtlety - 41/0/20


Arena 2vs.2: A
Arena 3vs.3: B
Arena 5vs.5: B
BGs: B
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: B
25 Mans: B
5-Man Heroic: A
World PvP: A+
Duels: A+
Grinding: B

Combat Daggers - 16/41/5 (-1)


Arena 2vs.2: C
Arena 3vs.3: D
Arena 5vs.5: D
BGs: C
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: A+
25 Mans: A+
5-Man Heroic: A
World PvP: B
Duels: D
Grinding: C

Combat Swords/Maces/Fists - 16/41/0 (+4)


Arena 2vs.2: B
Arena 3vs.3: B
Arena 5vs.5: C
BGs: B
5-Mans: A
10 Mans: A
25 Mans: B
5-Man Heroic: A
World PvP: A
Duels: A
Grinding: A+

Shadowstep - 17/3/41


Arena 2vs.2: A
Arena 3vs.3: A
Arena 5vs.5: A
BGs: A
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: C
25 Mans: D
5-Man Heroic: C
World PvP: A+
Duels: A
Grinding: C

Arena Build - 30/0/31


Arena 2vs.2: A+
Arena 3vs.3: A+
Arena 5vs.5: A
BGs: A
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: C
25 Mans: C
5-Man Heroic: C
World PvP: A+
Duels: A+
Grinding: C

Endless Stunlock - 32/3/26 (You hit like you are dual-weilding pillows, but you can lock someone up for a long time)


Arena 2vs.2: A
Arena 3vs.3: A
Arena 5vs.5: B
BGs: B
5-Mans: B
10 Mans: C
25 Mans: D
5-Man Heroic: C
World PvP: A+
Duels: A+
Grinding: D

The True Man's Build for Manly Men - 0/0/0


E-Peen: A+
Bragging Rights: A+
LOL in General: A+
LOL in Forums: A+
Respect from Rod: A+

Warcraft Lock Picking Guide

by Laenis

Q. How do I get the skill lockpicking?
A. You must buy the skill from your trainer at level 16. Then you can complete the quest that trainer gives you to get free thieves tools (or buy them at 15 silver (or so).

Q. Okay, I have the quest, but my skill is super low I can't complete the quest, what now?
A. In the same area as your lockpicking quest, there should be some chests you can level up on. These chests are orange at skill level 1 (see below for color explanation) and don't go grey until about 100. Also, see down below for a 1-300 skillup guide.

Q. What do these colors mean? Red? Orange? Grey? I'm colorblind!
A. Every lock you pick has a 'skill level'. Just like with tradeskill items, they are color coded.
Red = can't pick the lock at your skill level
Orange = guarenteed skill up
Yellow = good chance for skillup
Geeen = low chance for skillup
Grey = no chance for skillup
There is a list down below for commonly items and their skillup numbers in reference to lock difficulty.

Q. Do I have to visit a trainer to get journeyman/artisan/safecracker rank in Lockpicking?
A. You don't. Your skill scales with level: every level you gain as a rogue translates into 5 extra points to your lockpicking cap.

Lockpicking Guide from 1-300
1-100 - Keep picking the instant respawn chests near the lockpicking quest.

100-175 - You can pick the Polly quest chest (Horde LP Quest chest), OR you can use either of the chests in the Poison quests (Alliance OR Horde) you get at later levels. You will have to click on your lockpicking skill first, then click the chest. (If you have the reading and inference skills of a legaly 'mentally deficient' person: YOU HAVE TO READ BELOW IN THE TRIVIAL LIST.) (I have just insulted retarded people everywhere, I've seen mentally retarded people with more smarts than half the people in this board.)

For the Polly/Poison Tower chests: You NEED to activate (CLICK) your lockpicking skill icon first, then (CLICK) on the chest as your cursor will not change automatically like it did during the quest or before it.

175-225 - Pickpocket mobs for Sturdy Junkboxes. Several mobs drop them, check thottbot and pick the best location for you. I recomend mobs in instances, that way you can pick it clean, reset the instance, then go to town again. You can also pick doors in instances at this range. I personally picked the door in the Scarlet Monestary cathedral from 180-225 one day by repeatedly resetting the instance.

225-280 There is no real easy way that I've found to skill this range other than to keep doing junkboxes. You can use the gates in the NE corner of Searing Gorge, but there is no reliable way to reset them (see notes below for more information). Also opening lockboxes in your faction's major city will get you skillups.

280-300 There are 3 doors in Blackrock Depths that are very close to the zone in that you can use to skill up this.

Trival list
If your skill is lower than 'orange' number, you won't be able to pick the lock (It won't even let you try). If your skill is higher than the 'grey' number, you won't get a skillup from that item. A '?' marks information that might be wrong, multiple '???' mark missing information.

Pickpocketted stuff:

Battered Junkbox (Orange: 25? Grey: 100?)
Worn Junkbox (Orange: 100? Grey: 175)
Sturdy Junkbox (Orange: 175 Grey: 275?)
Heavy Junkbox (Orange: 250 Grey: never?)

Dropped Chest - These are extremely random, so don't try to camp them.

Please see note above

Heavy Bronze Lockbox
Ornate Bronze Lockbox
Iron Lockbox (Orange: 75? Grey:???)
Strong Iron Lockbox (Orange: 125 Grey:???)
Steel Lockbox (Orange: 175 Grey: ???)
Reinforced Steel Lockbox (Orange: 225 Grey: never)
Mithril Lockbox (Orange: 225 Grey: never)
Thorium Lockbox (Orange: 225 Grey: never)
Eternium Lockbox (Orange: 225 Grey: never)

Hillsbrad Foothills - Durnholde Keep (Orange: ?? Green: 145)
Redridge Mountains - Lake Everstill (Orange: ?? Green: ??)
Ashenvale Forest - Zoram Strand
Stonetalon Mountains - Windshear Crag and Associated Mines
Wetlands - Murloc Camps
Desolace - Sar'theris Strand (Loc 34,25) (Orange: 160? Yellow: 175 Green: 200)
Badlands - Angor Fortress
Upstairs (Orange: 175 Green:??)
Downstairs (Orange: <200? Green: ??)
Swamp of Sorrows - Pool of Tears (Orange: <200? Green 225)
Searing Gorge - The Slag Pit (Orange: 200 Green: 275)
Tanaris Desert - Lost Rigger Cove (Orange: 225 Green: 285)
Azshara - Bay of Storms (Orange: 275? Green:??)
Eastern Plaguelands - Tyr's Hand (elite) (Orange: <275? Green: ??)


Doors in the normal world (aka not in instances) are usually on some sort of timer. In other words, you can't repeatedly pick the same door over and over again for skillups. The mechanism of the timers are not well known. Some people say if you pick something else (anything else) inbetween attempts that it will reset some timers. Others say that if you pickpocket a mob, or kill a mob, or so something else, that this will reset the timers. It may be different for every door. Suffice to say that reset an instance always (to my knowledge) resets any doors inside, so use that method when you can. I am leaning towards the pickpocketting theory for now.

Gnomeregan (Orange: 150? Green: 200)
Scarlet Monastery (Orange: 175 Green: 226 Grey: 275?)
Searing Gorge Gate (Orange: 225 Grey: never)
BRD Shadowforge Gates (Orange: 280 Grey: never )
BRD Prison Cells (Orange: 250 Grey: never )
Scholomance (Orange: 280 Grey: never )

From Fishing:
Battered Chest
Small Locked Chest
Reinforced Locked Chest
Sturdy Locked Chest
Ironbound Locked Chest (Orange: 175 Grey: 250?)

Other Stuff:

Most of these are chests used in quests that you can pick after you complete the quest. Note that you will probably need to activate your picking skill first, then click on the item as your cursor will not change automatically like it did during the quest or before it.

Insta-chests from respective lockpicking quests (Orange: 1 Grey: 105)
Main chest in lockpicking quest (Orange: 75 Grey: 175)
Poison quest chest (Orange: 90 Grey: 175)
Polly chest (Orange: 90 Grey: 175) (See note 5 below)
Engineered Practice Locks (Green: 1 Grey: 90?) (You can only pick these ONCE, so they are WORTHLESS)
Cozzle's Lockbox (house by the Venture Co. STV, it's on a ~20m timer) (Orange: 150? Grey: 250?)

Links for lockpicking quests with respective insta-chests:

List of things that increase Lockpicking:
Dark Leather Gloves (+5 LP) (

Various notes and other information:

1. Alliance rogues using the Klaven tower (Posion quest) chest: I just did this at 39, go to Westfall to where the poison quest is at, top floor, Klaven can take me down to half health at 39 if I don't dual-ambush so he kinda hurts. Hopefully you can also be outside his aggro range to practice. To do this just go behind his table (after he spawns he walks around the top of the tower, wait until he is done and ends up a bit away from you), there should be two chairs, jump over the chair closest to the chest and from behind the chair pick the lock. Don't worry about Touch of Zanzil: a death or Jungle Remedy from STV or cure poison from a high enough player should make it all good. Note that you need to activate your picking skill first, then click on the item as your cursor will not change automatically like it did during the quest or before it.
You must be of a high enough level not to aggro Klaven!

2.You can skill up 8 times on the doors to SM, there are 4 doors, 2 inside instances and 2 outside. They are on timers which can be reset.
(See confirmed information 1, above)
Only about half the chests are pickable and are trivial at 175.

Library: Chest in a cubby before the Gallery of Treasures, guarded by 3 mobs. Another chest that spawns in one of the hallways close to Doan himself, guarded by typically 2 mobs + one roamer.

Armory: Chest either in the Training Grounds (guarded by 2 mobs + 1 roamer) or inside the first part of the armory (guarded by 2 mobs + 1 roamer.) Can't remember location of other chest off the top of my head.

Cathedral: Chest on either the left or right side of the fountain. Another chest that spawns either by the monk guarding Fairbanks' hiding spot, or spawns on the other side of the cathedral (guarded by 3 mobs + 2 that roam close but may or may not aggro.)

5.South of Ratchet along the coast a short way is a beached pirate ship. No pirates around ship, they are camped south of it. Bit tricky getting the jump up onto the prow of the ship so you can get onboard, but can try repeatedly with no hassles. The chest is by itself downstairs in the back. Just keep opening it til you hit 175. No fuss, no muss and NO FIGHTS! (This is the location of the Horde lock picking quest and is in Horde controlled territory. Not recomended for Alliance characters on a PvP server).

Thanks to: Too many people to list so I thank: The Rogue Board!

You should thank Tyknee because he has like 10x more patience to deal with you guys than I do and reworked the whole post so that it's really idiot proof.

Thanks for the sticky Blizzard

Thanks to whoever put together the footlocker list

For the Polly/Poison Tower chests: You NEED to activate (CLICK) your lockpicking skill icon first, then (CLICK) on the chest as your cursor will not change automatically like it did during the quest or before it.

Solo as a rogue for 200g per hour

I have come to understand that this is not common knowledge to all rogues and I have yet to see it on any site upon performing multiple searches.

This can be soloed for about 200G per hour or done with 2 rogues for about 1000G.

I do this solo but in fairness I have exceptional gear. I'm sure it could be done with good blue gear. If you have problems with this, get a partner to help you. Frankly, as much money as this can make you, it wouldn't be a horrible crime to complely stock up on greater fire protection pots, elixir of mongoose, giant potions, etc. A death will cost you about 6 minutes and time is money.

You will also need improved sap. 100G worth of respeccing is a small price to pay for a weekend of making thousands.

On to the solo strategy:

In Lower Blackrock Spire you want to stealth to the right in the same manner as you would normally clear the dungeon. You'll come around to the left after dropping off the first ledge and work your way to two doors (one after the other) that are very close to each other and have roaming mobs going through them. After you pass the second door, stop. To your right you should see a ledge. Across from that ledge is another ledge where you will see a bunch of ogres. If you move towards that ledge and look down you will see a platform that you can jump onto. Jump to it. Now move forward and you will see another platform. Jump to it. Lastly you will jump to the ground floor where you will see several tents. When you jump down, fall, don't jump or it will break your stealth. Watch out for roaming mobs. You don't want to fall on them.

Continue on until you get to the hill where the spiders are. As soon as you reach this hill you will come to a nook on your right that most groups that do LBRS skip. In that nook you will see three groups of mobs. To the left are 3 mobs, to the right are 3 mobs and in the back right corner are 2 mobs. The two groups of 3 are not linked but all 6 will aggro if you pull one because the two groups are too close together.

Behold my brilliant artwork!:

What you want is one of the two mobs in the back. One of these mobs is a Blackrock Pyromancer. He is what you will want to kill, so sap the other guy and go up the little hill behind you. Ranged pull the pyromancer. Just before he gets in range hit evasion and kill him as quickly as possible. He will flee just before he dies, so crippling poison is your friend. You could use kidney shot just before he gets to 20% life but why waste it on a fleeing mob?

As soon as you kill him, loot him and vanish.

Duo Strategy

Kill the group in the back in the same manner but don't waste your vanish. Two rogues shouls make extremely short work of both mobs. Heal up, wait for your curses and such to fade and get ready for some big packs.

The problem with the next pull is that you have 6 mobs to deal with. If the two 'inside mobs' are both Pyromancers, dump this pull and reset. The only way you can continue is to reset, fight 4 elits at the same time or kill a couple, die and come back to an easier pull. In any other case, you want to sap 'inside mob1' or inside mob2'. If one of them is a pyromancer, don't sap it, sap the other one and have your partner sap one of the other mobs in sapped mob's group. See this diagram:

Kill the unsapped pyromancer and vanish.

The duo strat is complicated. You will find that there are several configurations to deal with. I prefer to solo but I make a ton of money if I duo all of the mobs.

Your prize is this:

It is one of the best robes that a mage can find if he doesn't raid and that is more than 99% of the mage population. Even raiding mages have bought these from me as gaining archanist or something similar isn't necessarily an overnight process for a new raider. The best part of this robe is that it's bind on pickup. The pattern is bind on use but the robe binds when you make it, so the crafter can only make it for himself.

Yes the downside is that the mage has to be a 300 tailor. I have sold this pattern to 100 people that picked up tailoring just to make this robe. Many dumped tailoring after making it.

These patterns sell for about 200 gold on my server. I've found and sold as many as 5 in a day.

Even better is this

They sell for 300-400 gold on my server. They don't drop nearly as often as the robe pattern does but it's a nice payday when they do. I also find a ton of blues (shadowcraft, valor, etc). Those always sell pretty nicely.

My worst one hour session was about 70 gold. My best was 1000 gold (3 patterns, 1 fire recipie and 2 blues).

Again, if you're having trouble with the solo strat, get a partner. Two rogues in green gear can easily handle the solo strat.

Happy hunting!

Horde Red Defias Mask Guide

The red Dafias mask is a rouge only headgear, its red bandana that covers your characters nose and mouth like you would see on a bandit or something.
IPB Image
IPB Image
If you want one you will need to kill the Dafias in Westfall. Westfall is alliance territoy and is a bit tricky to get to as a low level horde (you should be at least level 15).

To get there take a zeplin from Undercity or Orgrimmar to Grom'gol Base Camp.

Then swim north up the coast of Straglethorn Vale, keep far away from land to avoid pulling agg.
IPB Image

Once in Westfall get on land (off the beach) and stealth your way further north. Just north of Gold Coast Quarry on the beach cliff there is a shed and a windmill surrounded by some level 12 - 13 Defias, its an out of the way place so you shouldnt see alot of alliance there. Just keep killing them it might take awhile for a mask to drop (about half an hour to an hour).
IPB Image

Once you've got it just hearthstone back to town.

Doing this in the morning will help reduce your chances of running into alliance (people tend to stop playing and go to sleep around that time of day).

Guide to using Stealth to solo Mother Smolderweb

There are essentially two parts to soloing Mother Smolderweb... getting to her, and killing her. Neither are easy if you don't know how, hence this guide 8-), so I'll be covering both in fair detail.

Rather than miss out something important, I'll be assuming that you've never used Stealth before and need to know everything. Sorry if any of it seems condescending.

I should point out here that I'm not in an Uber Raiding Guild, I run a small friendly guild, and so this guide should be usable by everyone, even the little folk like me!

I did this with no points in Improved Prowl, although I do have Innervate which saved me a fortune in mana potions 8-) The only other talent points I have which have any real effect is two points in Improved Starfire, as the chance of stunning her and so getting a free shot is nice, but not at all vital, and Nature's Swiftness, which can be handy for repositioning her.

Other things that would be helpful to bring along:-

Major Health Potions and Major Mana Potions. While it's easy enough to do her without either of these, there's nothing like being well prepared to increase your chances. Running out of either HPs or Mana is pretty much a game over situation! If you don't have Innervate, then Major Mana Potions are absolutely vital, it's possible to do her without Innervating or potioning if you're very patient but it's much much more risky, and why take the chance of dying when she's on 5%? 8-)

Heavy Runecloth Bandages. Again, you don't absolutely have to bring these, but they'll save you mana, which makes things easier, and First Aid is so easy to max out why not do it? 8-) The reason I say bring Heavy Runecloth rather then the lower ones is for speed, the faster you can heal up the better, as you'll see later.

Ok, so you have your supplies, and you're all ready to go, so where is she?

She's inside Blackrock Spire, an instance inside Blackrock Mountain, which straddles the border between Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge. Blackrock Spire has two halves, Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) which is where you start when you zone in, and Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS), which is accessed from inside LBRS using a quested key. Luckily she's in LBRS, so you don't need the key. She's about half way through the zone, so it takes a little work to get to her.

If you die (and you most likely will), you appear at the Graveyard at Thorium Point in Searing Gorge. It's a simple trip to the South West of the zone to get back.

Once inside Blackrock Mountain, there are no mobs until you get close to the instance entrances, so it's safe to move around a bit. There are two instances inside the Mountain, BRS and BRD (Blackrock Depths).

If you travel around the ring in Blackrock Mountain, you will find a meeting stone for Blackrock Spire, and a tunnel leading to it. DO NOT GO IN HERE! It leads past lots of Orcs, and while it's possible, even easy, to Stealth past them, there's no need, as there's a cunning shortcut you can take!

If you go to the northern (and highest) point on the ring inside Blackrock Mountain, there's a chain leading down to the floating island in the middle, and a rock ramp on the west side of it allowing you to climb onto it. Go up onto the chain, and then go left and up the chain, and drop off the end onto a shelf. It's very dark at this point, so you might need to turn your gamma or brightness up. Follow the shelf round to the right and up, and you'll see a balcony ahead of you. There's a gap just before the balcony, so you need to jump the last few feet. Once on the balcony, look into the room and you'll see the instance entrance to BRS. There's also a door to the right, don't go through there as there are Elite Orcs.

This would be a good time to cover the basics of Stealth.

Stealth in WoW is quite different to Invisibility in other games such as EQ, in that it's not 'Stealth up and nothing will see you', but an agro-range reducer. Get close enough to something and it WILL see you and attack. There are also mobs with Detect Stealth, who see you at an even wider radius.

How close you can get to a mob without being seen is determined by how much higher or lower level than you the mob is. For mobs lower than you your agro radius is very small, about the same size you are in fact, so unless you walk right into the mob you're usually ok. However, the higher above you the mob is, the further away it'll spot you from.

As if that wasn't enough, there are actually two agro ranges when Stealthed... the 'I seeeeee youuuuu!' one mentioned above, when the mob just comes along and splats you, and the 'Did you hear something?' one, where you attract the mob's attention, but don't actually agro it yet... yet being the operative word here! 8-)

If you get close enough to trigger the 'Did you hear something?' reaction, the mob will turn to face you (and if it's a roamer, stop walking and stare at you). While this is very scary when it happens, as long as you don't move the mob will eventually shrug it off as the wind or something, and turn back to what it's doing, allowing you to carry on.

Those two agro ranges are VERY important here, and I'll be referring to them a lot.

Zone into BRS, and you're at the bottom of a ramp. This is a safe spot, so once you're in you can Stealth up quite safely.

The entrance ramp to BRS
IPB Image

At this point, you might want to take off all your equipment and stash it in your backpack, as you will most likely die several times getting it right, and most likely a couple of times just through bad luck. You have to be *very* patient for this. If you do get spotted, all the gear in the world won't save you, so you might as well save on repair costs 8-)

Head up the ramp, and there's a room with various Orcs around the edges. They won't react to you at all as long as you stay in the centre of the room, however the one at the end will wander from side to side as it gets chunks of the roast pig and goes back to the table to eat it, so you have to be careful of that one. Also, there's a patrol of two that circle the area and cut across the end of this room, again mind them.

First room, with Roamer and Patrol marked.
IPB Image

Across the room there are ramps leading up at either side, and a big ramp down across the centre. You want to head down the ramp, hugging the right-hand wall. There are two doorways in that wall, you want to take the second one. You will get *very* close to an Orc as you go, but it doesn't react, so hug the wall and you'll be fine.

Down the ramp, showing the doorway you want to go through
IPB Image

Once through the doorway, you're in a short passage that leads to quite and open area. Two Orcs patrol into this passage, and they both react, so be very careful here.

Passage, showing Orc patrol
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You want to wait 'til the patrol leaves, and then move down the passage and a little to the right. At this point, wait for the patrol to come back, and when they go past you up the passage you just came from, head off down the ramp and through the doorway on your left. This saves you having to hide from the patrol in the tunnel, which is possible but riskier.

Wait point and doorway to passage
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Once into the passage, follow it through and you come out in a large chamber. At this point, turn sharp right and move away from the door so the patrol don't spot you when they come back.

This is the view you'll see after turning right in the chamber.
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You can safely ignore the Ogres, they're actually on the other side of a chasm. You, however, are going into that chasm! It's a handy shortcut that saves a lot of work. Move forward until you're on the wall, and you'll see two rock platforms below you.

Rock platforms
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Jump down onto the first, walk to the end, and down onto the second. You then need to head down the second to the left-hand side corner. Looking down, you'll see a lava river, a metal edging, and a stone path. You want to jump off and land on the metal edging.

View over the edge, showing the metal edging.
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Ok, so far it's all been easy, now's when it gets tough...

If you turn to look down the corridor, you'll see it is *packed* with Orcs, with only a very small leeway in between. To make this even harder, there is a single-Orc patrol that comes down it, and a Roamer half way down who wanders from side to side and stands in the middle.

View down corridor, showing Roamer
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From this point on, you need to have a very steady hand, be very patient, and most importantly of all be in third-person view. Personally I like to play in first-person, however this section is quite simply not possible that way, you have to be able to see all around you.

Timing is important here. The first thing you have to do is wait for the Patrol to come down the corridor towards you. It might stop and stare at you, however as long as you're standing on the metal edging facing down the centre of the hallway you'll be out of attack range, so just be patient and let it wander off again.

Now, once it's gone it's time to set off. If you're lucky, the Roamer shown in the last picture will have wandered onto the right hand side and be easier to pass, however it doesn't stay there long, and is your biggest obstacle for this section.

With the Patrol past you, start off down the centre of the corridor, slowly. Remember what I said earlier on about the 'Did you hear something?' reaction, well you're going to see a lot of it now. Every time a mob looks your way, stop and don't move again until it turns away. You have some time until the Patrol comes back, so you can afford to be careful, however don't over do it 8-)

Moving down the corridor, and an Orc reacting.
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Having made it past the first lot, the corridor continues round to the left. Although the Orcs are more spread out here, they still react and you have to still be careful.

Heading round to the left.
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You're heading to the far wall, and ultimately towards the group containing the sitting mob you can see top centre of the last picture.

View from the far wall
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This part is the bit that requires the most patience, as (at level 56 certainly) you have *barely* enough room to squeeze through these mobs, and most of them react. You need to cross to the left hand half of the passage, and squeeze diagonally through the mobs as show in the next picture. The mob with his back to me in the picture doesn't react, however the other four all do, so you have to take this literally a step at a time. When you're certain that none of the mobs are looking at you, take one step forward and stop, then wait until you're certain you're clear again and take one more step, then stop again. Keep doing this until you get onto the ramp, at which point you're clear of the Orcs.

Path through the Orcs
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Congratulations, you are now past all the Orcs... now it's time for Spiders!

View up the ramp, showing the Spiders
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To get past these, you need to hug the left-hand wall up to just below a couple of boulders, as show here, and then wait.

Boulders and wait spot
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There are three spiders you need to keep your eye on here, the little one to the right of the boulder, the little one behind the boulder, and the big one just past them. Eventually all three of them will wander away from the left hand wall, at which point you head up. You need to watch yourself here, there's an overhang you can see in the previous picture that you can get stuck under.

Once past those three spiders, carry on up into the top left corner. Turn right, and follow the wall past Mother Smolderweb. Keep going all the way to the far side.

Sneaking past Mother Smolderweb
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As well as Mother Smolderweb herself, there is one other spider you need to be aware of, a roamer that wanders up and down the girders.

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Mother Smolderweb moves around a little bit, and if she's at the girders end of her path as shown below then it's vital that you wait for the roamer to leave before pulling her, otherwise you'll agro that too, and that'll agro all the others nearby, and then it's game over.

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The safer path is just to wait for her to move back up to the wall end of her path...

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Make sure you're standing right up against the far wall before pulling her

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This is as far up as she goes, so once she's here and stopped, it's time to start the madness 8-)

BTW, if you took all your gear off before starting the Stealth in, now is the time to put them back on again!

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So, Part 1 of the guide, Getting To Mother Smolderweb is over... now for Part 2, Killing Mother Smolderweb!

It's actually a very simple process, in theory, it just takes time. In practice however, there are lots of things you need to know and obviously things that can go wrong. It is fairly unlikely that you'll kill her first time, in fact I died several times before I worked all this out, and even having it all written down for you is no substitute for practice. So, don't be disheartened, just keep plugging away, those boots are worth it in the end! 8-)

So, things you need to know before you start...

Firstly, and very importantly, is DO NOT have Thorns up! If you have Thorns on, click it off right now, as it *will* get you killed. We're going to be using Hibernate to keep her asleep, and if she hits you with Thorns up it's quite common for the damage from Thorns to land after Hibernate does, and it'll wake her right back up again. This is A Bad Thing! 8-)

Secondly, and equally importantly, is that you need to have Abolish Poison hotkeyed. You will need this a lot! She procs a poison called Mother's Milk, which has the very nasty effect of making you cast an AoE web explosion, which has the two very nasty effects of glueing you to the floor and interrupting casting. It is therefore essential that you get rid of it as soon as she's back asleep. It takes a few seconds before it goes off, so you have time. If left uncleared, it will keep going off every few seconds.

The third thing is something you probably all know, but as I said at the start I'm going to cover everything just in case... You can cast buffs, heals and cures on yourself (or anyone) without changing your target away from the mob. This is very important here as you cannot afford the delay in re-targetting her if Hibernate breaks at a bad time, and it will! So, keep Mother Smolderweb targetted at all times, and if you need to cure the poison or heal yourself or Innervate, then do it like this: Press the spell hotkey (or click the icon, but that's slower) and then press F1 (or click your portrait, again slower). If you do it in that order you will keep Mother Smolderweb targetted, but cure or heal yourself. The same is true if you need to bandage up, press the Bandage key then F1, and you'll bandage without losing her as your target.

Fourth (yup, LOTS you need to know! 8-) ) is that as well as Mother's Milk, she can also proc Crystalize, which is a 5-second stun that interrupts casting. Not nice! However, the good news is that it only lasts until she next hits you, so the moment you're under attack you're free again. This is basically the worse situation you'll find yourself in (if you do everything right, anyway 8-) ), and it's important not to panic 8-)

Finally for the pre-start info, the key here is keeping her asleep with Hibernate. That is the #1, #2 and #3 priority! It is not as easy as keeping a bog-standard mob under either, she will frequently break it early. When she does this you *must* immediately stop anything else you're doing, even if you're half way through a cast, and put her back under. You have to keep out of her melee as much as possible, or you're toast!

Ok, so by now you have your supplies, you're in position, and you know the drill... time to get our Spider on!

I hope you went to the toilet first btw, you'll be here for a while now! 8-)

As I said before, the tactics for the fight are very very simple... all we do is slowly wear her down with Starfire, and keep her under control with Hibernate. Other than all the points above, that's pretty much it! 8-)

Standing in the corner as shown above, with Mother Smolderweb properly positioned and no sign of the roamer, drop a Starfire on her head, and the instant it finishes casting cast Hibernate on her too. Don't wait for her to move or get near you or anything, cast Hibernate the instant Starfire lands, even if it's resisted. Hibernate takes 1.5 seconds to cast, and you're trapped in a very small area with a very angry Spider, you do not have a lot of room to play with here 8-)

During those 1.5 seconds you were casting Hibernate, she'll have moved towards you. For this first pull she might not have got very far, or she might have got all the way up to you. If she's barely moved, stay where you are and do another Starfire and Hibernate, and this time she'll stop very close to you (which is exactly what you want).

Now that you're staring terrified into her dripping mandibles, it's time to move. This is the key to the entire thing, keep moving and out of her range. You have *very* little room to work with here, there are spiders all around you, so it's vital to know how far you can safely go. The corner you started in is obvious, after that it's less so, so here's a nice picture of exactly where you should now be standing...

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And this is the view you should have...

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You now simply repeat this process over and over again... Starfire and Hibernate, move to the other side, and Starfire and Hibernate again... Remembering all the time that if she breaks Hibernate early, stop anything else you're doing (usually casting Starfire) and immediately re-Hibernate, and move out of her way.

As you can see from this picture, it takes a long time... I refreshed Mark of the Wild before I started, and so far 9 minutes have passed. You can also see from this picture that I have by now used Innervate. You will see in all the subsequent pictures that I keep my mouse over the Innervate icon, so that I can always see the countdown until I can use it again... that countdown is your lifeline, if you run out of mana before it's hit zero, you're dead! What you *must* do therefore is conserve mana as much as possible, and the easiest way to do that is to wait a few seconds after getting into position before casting Starfire / Hibernate again. Let the mana build back up a little bit, and then start again. Don't give it too long though, as I said she does like to wake up early!

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A few more pictures of the fight, to give you a rough idea how long it takes... keep an eye on the Mark of the Wild timer...

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As you can see in that last picture above, I took a lot of damage, I got stunned and then she resisted Hibernate... this will happen a few times every fight, more until you get the hang of it. The key here is to not panic, keep working on Hibernate, and only once you've got her under should you worry about healing up. Unless of course she gets you dangerously low, in which case click a Health potion and go back to trying to Hibernate her.

Once I had her back under, I moved to the new position and bandaged myself, all the time keeping her targetted and one finger on the Hibernate button... even if you're bandaging you have to stop it to re-Hibernate her the instant she wakes up.

Occasionally you will get into the unfortunate position of having her stop right in the middle of the area, so that no matter where you stand she will get to you in the 1.5 seconds Hibernate will take to cast. This is obviously a problem as it greatly increases the chances of you getting stunned, poisoned and beaten to death. However, there is a very handy little trick you can do in these circumstances to re-position her...

If you took the Nature's Swiftness talent, you now have a nice little trick up your sleeve! As you know, it makes the next Nature spell you cast into an instant cast spell. Everyone knows that's heals and the Wrath nuke, but what a lot of people don't realise is that Hibernate is also a Nature spell, and so is affected by Nature's Swiftness. Starfire, however, is an Arcane spell, and thus unaffected.

So, the trick for getting out of a 'she's gonna get me!' situation and back into the 'Ahhh, she's miles away' place you want is simple... cast Nature's Swiftness on yourself first, BEFORE casting Starfire. Then cast Starfire on her as normal. As it's an Arcane spell Nature's Swiftness will still be up. Then pause for half a second or so, just until she starts moving, and then hit her with the now instant-casting Hibernate. Provided she doesn't resist it (always a possibility), you now have her nicely dozing away near to you without ever having got close enough to hit you, and it's back to the cycle.

If you don't have Nature's Swiftness, or you already used it and the timer's still counting down, then the best thing to do in this situation is to cast Rejuvenate on yourself just before casting Starfire, so that when she does get to you you still have a few seconds of high regen left to soak up some of the damage.

After about 15 minutes, you should have her pretty low...

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Not quite low enough though... remember how many HPs she has, and how relatively little Starfire does. Where you actually want her to be now is this low...

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At this point, there's a good chance that your next Starfire will kill her. That's obviously a good thing, but it does also have a downside... when she dies, a horde of little spiders will spawn from her corpse, and they will kill you. Oh, did I forget to mention that at the start? Yup, you're on a suicide mission, there's no way you're coming back from this alive, sorry!

The good news is that the little spiders have a tiny agro range, and if you've done everything right then when she dies you'll be far enough from them for them to not instantly agro you... however, we've not taken any chances this far, so why risk it eh? 8-)

When you get to the point that you're pretty sure your next Starfire will kill her, cast Rejuvenation on yourself before casting Starfire, and as well as the finger over Hibernate also keep a finger over Dire Bear form.

If when you cast Starfire she doesn't die (even if you're certain the damage will be enough, she could resist it) re-cast Hibernate, then re-cast Rejuvenate and start again.

When she does die, however, immediately cast Dire Bear form. You can loot as a Bear, and have the advantage of more HPs and Armour, giving you longer to do so.

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All that remains now is to run in and loot the corpse. The little spiders will attack the moment you get near her, so you have to be fast. If they haven't attacked yet and you have enough mana left, you can de-Bear and stack Regrowth and Rejuvenate on yourself, then re-bear and go in, to give yourself the maximum looting time, however even with no regen Dire Bear will give you enough, so it's up to you.

Remember that the boots are Bind On Pickup, so as well as clicking on them you will also have to click the Yes button to grab them, so be prepared, and even though it might sound amazingly obvious, if she does drop them click them first! 8-)

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As you can see, she didn't drop them for me on this run, or any of the dozen or so previous runs, or the half dozen group or raid runs at her I've done too... basically, she hates me! 8-( Still, my revenge upon her is that now hopefully lots more people will kill her too, muhahahaha!


Now that you're dead, you can run all the way back to BRS and zone in again to res yourself, and then gate home muttering to yourself about how that Spider's going to get hers one day, and prepare for another run tomorrow! The good news is that at least she'll drop a Green item if you don't get the boots, which will easily cover your repair costs from the death at the end.

Never res at the Spirit Healer at Thorium Point, it takes 2 minutes to get back to BRS to res normally, and it's perfectly safe to do, so why waste cash on more durability loss 8-)

Well, that's it for this guide, I hope you enjoyed it, and that you'll offer up a quick plea on my behalf while you're strutting round in your new boots that one day I'll get mine!

Dianius, 60 Night Elf Druid, Teranas (Euro)

Well, it turns out that perseverance pays off, and on my 20th solo kill of her she decided to be nice to me 8-)

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Farming Underbog (Rogues Only)

Immunity to Rogue Stealth Attacks

If you say /lay, you of course will lay down. The trick with this is, if you hear the stealthing sound of a nearby rogue, he will be unable to use attacks that require them to be behind you (backstab, ambush, etc).

Lockpicking Skill Up Through Mail

Basically, since the Burning Crusade Exp. Ive been able to send locked boxes between people throught the mail, you can unlock them, send it to a friend. When they get it it will be locked agian, so you can send them back and forth in large quantities and get some decent skill whenever you log in.

Note: I've had them Relock if I log out and back in again.

Rogue Pick Locks

As a rogue, you're expected to be able to open the locked chests in instances. It is nice to be able to open virtually anything that is presented to you. Scattered throughout the game world are assorted locked chests, which can increase your skill. At some levels, these are relatively easy to get to; but at other levels, on your own they are a pain in the ass. Occasionally I have found some where I can solo access only one of two chests, each on a 10 minute respawn, which would mean spending literally hours in a location for 20 or 30 skill ups.

At the same time, a lot of my toons find chests which they then need opening. I mail these to the rogue who then unlocks them. If the chest is still a green skill up for lockpicking (or yellow/orange), I mail the chest back without opening it. For whatever reason, when it arrives it has managed to relock itself through the mail system. Clicking return, immediately sends them back to my rogue... Once they are no longer a skill up, have the rogue unlock and open them, and decide where to send the item to.

Basically I log the rogue on, open the eight chests that are still skill ups (that I have acquired both as a rogue and as other toons), the mail them to my priest. The mail system seems to take about 45 minutes to deliver. Next time I get a break from whatever I'm doing, log the priest on and return them, then log the rogue on, unlock the chests, then mail them to the priest. Log on whatever toon I was using and resume my journey.

Class-Race Pairing Guide

[1] Races and Classes
[2] Race, Class Strengths
[3] Race Pros and Cons
[4] Best Race/Class to Twink
[5] Fastest Race/Class to Level

[1] Races and Classes

Horde –

Troll = Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Shaman, Hunter 6/9
Blood Elf = Rogue, Priest, Hunter, Mage, Warlock, Paladin 6/9
Orc = Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Warlock 5/9
Undead = Warrior, Priest, Warlock, Mage, Rogue 5/9
Tauren = Warrior, Druid, Shaman, Hunter 4/9

Alliance –

Human = Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Paladin 6/9
Draeni = Warrior, Hunter, Priest, Mage, Paladin, Shaman 6/9
Night Elf = Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Hunter, Druid 5/9
Dwarf = Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Hunter, Paladin 5/9
Gnome = Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Warlock 4/9
[2] Race, Class Strengths

Because of the added Agility and Berserking that the Troll has; Troll is best played as a Melee class. Troll as a warrior provides an excellent Fury/Arms warrior, here’s a spec: PvP/Grinding Fury Shield

The Troll as a Rogue is also a great bet, because of Berserking and Agility: PvP Build PvE Build

Also, Troll is an excellent Hunter class; because of the Agility bonus: PvP Build Pet Build Raid Build

Blood Elf
The most we can say about Blood Elf, is that since they have AoE silence; they will dominate all life in Azeroth if paired with a Melee class. Here’s some specs for Warrior : Tanking Build 20man + Protection Build Arms/Protection Fury Shield

Blood Elfs make good Roges because of their AoE silence and mana tap which adds 10 energy per-use : PvP Build Combat/Assass Build PvE Build

Since BE is the only Paladin on Horde side; you have no choice: Healer/Tanking Full Support * Priest with Plate * Two Handed Monster

We think Orc is the hybrid race; with high stun resist and excellent rage regeneration, Orc plays out for both Melee and Magic, here are some specs for a Shaman: PvP Build *High stun resist* Restoration Build

As an Orc Warrior, players should go with Arms/Protection because of higher starting Strength and stun resist the Orc Warrior is a more efficient one: Tanking Build 20man + Protection Build Arms/Protection

Undead is an excellent Magic class; because of higher starting Intellect than any race in the hordish arsenal can put up, heres specs for Mages: PvE/Raiding Frost Build PvP Fire/Frost Build

Undead for Warlocks are also extremely potent because of the Will of the Forsaken and higher starting Intellect, any kind of Lock is fine: Nuke/DOT Build Destro Build Demonology/Affliction Build

It’s a shame that we don’t see many Tauren Druids around, but we should; Tauren is more of a hybrid class like the Orc, but isn’t really geared toward anything particular of its four classes, so like the Tauren we recommend Druid for Tauren as with Warrior. Here’s some Druid specs: Restoration Build Tanking/Resto Build PvP Build Moonkin Build

Tauren also rolls old school with a warrior because of high starting strength it’s a good pair for a hybrid class, we would recommend a Protection spec with T. Warriors: Protection Build Tanking Build 20man +

Were to place Humans; they really don’t have any strengths, they are the Alliances only hybrid race, so Anything goes for them; casters will find it easier because Alliance can use Perception and they have bonus Spirit, so caster are the way to go, but Melee is ok too.

Draeni - * We haven’t hit level 30 yet *
We love this race; spent hours in BC beta playing as these guys and we can safely say go Melee. They are like Orcs for the Alliance, they have an AoE at level 1 that get more powerful every 15 levels, not sure about the final version. Rolling Melee with Draeni is a wise choice or being a Shaman is good too. We may do Draeni stuff as soon as we hit LvL 30 with one.

Night Elf
Since Night Elf has Shadowmeld and Quickness, its best to play a fragile class such as priest or you can roll hybrid with a druid. Night Elf’s make OK Rogues, but that will come up later with the Gnomes as recommendation because Night Elf’s have less starting Agility than the Gnomes do. Here are some specs for Priests: Shadow/Disc Build Holy Build Holy Build 2

If you’re planning to roll Druid; NE is the only Alliance race that can: Restoration Build Tanking/Resto Build PvP Build Moonkin Build

Dwarfs are a Melee class; but they have Priests, we say do whatever you want when it comes to Dwarf. With Priests they are the same as others, but dwarf has Stoneform; which means it is resistant to what other race are vulnerable too, plus it increases armor by 10%; great for cloth wearers. Rogues need to concentrate on building Strength before Agility *that come third to Stamina*; because it’s good to make advantage of the dwarfs good starting Strength and Stamina. Here’s build for Priests: Holy Build Shadow/Disc Build Holy Build 2

Dwarf paladins are awesome because of Stone Form and its starting strength :
Full Support * Priest with Plate *
Two Handed Monster

Dwarf Rogues should spec in either Combat/Assassination or PvP builds: PvP Build Combat/Assass Build Sword/Mace Build

Dwarf Warriors should spec Fury; because they can hit hard with their high strength and score major critical strikes; they can also roll Protection: PvP/Grinding Fury Shield Protection Build Tanking Build 20man +

Gnomes have the highest in starting Agility and Intellect for the Alliance Arsenal; so naturally they should play either a Rogue or Mage, Warlock. As a Rogue they should concentrate more on Agility than Strength, working on AGL then STM then STR. Mages should work on INT and STM and SPRT as with the Warlock. Here’s some build for Rogues : Dagger Build PvE Build Sword Build

Gnome mages are great because they have higher starting INT and have Escape Artist: PvE/Raiding Frost Build PvP Fire/Frost Build Arcane Build

For Warlocks it’s a good idea for gnomes to run with a Destro build: Nuke/DOT Build Destro Build
[3] Race Pros and Cons

Horde Pros

Troll = Berserking, Regeneration, High starting Agility
Blood Elf = Arcane Torrent, Mana Tap, Resist +5
Orc = Blood Fury, Hardiness, High starting Strength
Undead = Will of the Forsaken, Cannibalize, High starting Intellect
Tauren = War Stomp, Endurance, High starting HP

Horde Cons

Troll = Inferior to Undead when it comes to Mana classes
Blood Elf = Another Melee race? Lets hope not
Orc = No real specialty when it comes to classes
Undead = Melee classes suck
Tauren = Only gives HP+ ?

Alliance Pros

Human = Perception, Diplomacy, Human Spirit
Draeni = Everything about them
Night Elf = Shadowmeld, Quickness
Dwarf = Stoneform, High starting Strength and HP
Gnome = Escape Artist, Arcane Resist, Highest starting Agility

Alliance Cons

Human = An overall weak race
Draeni = Lets hope this race isn’t to overpowered
Night Elf = Low HP; mostly a Magic Class
Dwarf = Lacks the stats to backup some of its class choices
Gnome = Low HP, and they are small

[4] Best Race/Class to Twink

These are the Race/Class combos that we’ve found easiest to Twink with:


Troll = Rogue, Hunter
Blood Elf = Rogue, Paladin
Orc = Rogue, Warrior
Undead = Mage, Warlock
Tauren = Shaman, Druid


Human = Mage, Priest *Shadow*
Draeni = Warrior, Shaman, Mage
Night Elf = Rogue, Priest *Shadow*
Dwarf = Rogue, Warrior, Hunter
Gnome = Rogue
[5] Fastest Race/Class to Level

Here’s the record setting class/race combos for leveling to level 60 soon to be 70:


Troll = Hunter
Blood Elf = Not yet recorded, we’re guessing it’ll be a Rogue
Orc = Warrior
Undead = Warlock and Mage both set in 5 days of play time
Tauren = Shaman


Human = Warlock
Draeni = Not yet recorded, we’re guessing it’ll be Shaman or Hunter
Night Elf = Shadow Priest
Dwarf = Hunter
Gnome = Rogue

Guide to a 60 Rogue

Guide to a Rogue
[1] Introduction

[2] Rogues Loot List

[3] Builds

[4] Sites *UPDATED**FIXED*

[5] Abilities

[6] Gathering Prof.

More Chapters will come in time.
[1] Introduction

This guide is only for Rogues, you cannot mix it with any other class, this is a guide for both Alliance and Horde Rogues. Over the time WoW has been around people have been asking these questions : ' WTH is a Good buidle for a Rogue? ', ' Rogues are boring me out y? '. This guide is created to answer these questions. Do not flame my guide, just give me requests our what ever you want, except flames. Well hope you enjoy this wicked guide.

- Lethal
[2] Rogues Loot List

It embarrasing enough when a Rogues tries to roll on Druid pieces when he/she doesn't know its a druid only item and rolls on it based on stats, so heres a nice loot list by a friend of mine :

[3] Builds

The main thing people get wrong as Rouges are the builds; they either copy someone elses * its not that bad, but still * or randomly select points. First time Rogue especially have htis problem, well heres some thing to fix this.

My Rogue Build :

# Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%.

# Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

# Murder - 2/2 points
Increases your chance to hit while using your Sap, Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot abilities by 5%.

# Lethality - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, and Hemorrhage abilities by 30%.

# Vile Poisons - 2/5 points
Increases the damage dealt by your poisons by 6%.

# Improved Instant Poison - 3/5 points
Increases the chance to apply Instant Poison to your target by 6%.

# Cold Blood - 1/1 point
When activated, increases the critical strike chance of your next Sinister Strike, Backstab, Ambush, or Eviscerate by 100%.

COMBAT: 5pts
# Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy.

# Lightning Reflexes - 3/5 points
Increases your Dodge chance by 3%.

# Master of Deception - 5/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 4)

# Camouflage - 5/5 points
Increases your speed while stealthed by 15%.

# Elusiveness - 5/5 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Evasion, Vanish, and Blind abilities by 1.3 minutes.

# Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

# Improved Ambush - 2/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 30%.

# Improved Sap - 1/3 point
Gives you a 30% chance to return to stealth mode after using your Sap ability.

# Preparation - 1/1 point
When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on your other Rogue abilities.

# Improved Distract - 1/2 point
Increases the radius of your Distract ability by 3 yards.

How to use this build: ^ the one above

First is to always open up with a cheap shot or ambush ( I use ambush ) then start pounding away with SS then when at 3 - 5 Pts ( Depends on your HP and Targets HP ) use Evi, then repeat. If you reach 50% HP its best you use Vanish then Cheap Shot, then SS till target has max Pts on him/her then if Evi isnt rdy by now use Prep then Cold Blood to hopefully finish the target. Using this build requires the true rogue or a sneeking player if your non of tht by all means don't use this build lol, you'll just get Murdered like a Decked out Rogue vs the Holy Priest.
Here was My DoT * Damage over Time * Build:

# Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%.

# Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

# Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

# Murder - 2/2 points
Increases your chance to hit while using your Sap, Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot abilities by 5%.

# Lethality - 3/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, and Hemorrhage abilities by 18%.

# Vile Poisons - 2/5 points
Increases the damage dealt by your poisons by 6%.

# Improved Instant Poison - 2/5 points
Increases the chance to apply Instant Poison to your target by 4%.

# Cold Blood - 1/1 point
When activated, increases the critical strike chance of your next Sinister Strike, Backstab, Ambush, or Eviscerate by 100%.

# Improved Kidney Shot - 2/3 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Kidney Shot ability by 4 seconds.

# Improved Deadly Poison - 2/5 points
Increases the chance to apply Deadly Poison to your target by 6%.

# Master of Deception - 5/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 4)

# Elusiveness - 5/5 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Evasion, Vanish, and Blind abilities by 1.3 minutes.

# Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

# Improved Garrote - 2/2 points
Increases the duration of your Garrote ability by 6 seconds, but reduces the damage by 10%.

# Improved Rupture - 3/3 points
Increases the damage of dealt by your Rupture ability by 30%.

# Improved Distract - 2/2 points
Increases the radius of your Distract ability by 5 yards.

# Preparation - 1/1 point
When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on your other Rogue abilities.

# Improved Cheap Shot - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Cheap Shot ability by 20.

# Hemorrhage - 1/1 point
An instant strike that damages the opponent and causes the target to hermorrhage, increasing any Physical damage dealt to the target by up to 3. Lasts 30 charges or 15 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Level 46: 5 damage increase
Level 58: 7 damage increase
How to use this build: ^ the one above

Do NOT use SS, because it is a waste of energy in this build, use Hemorrhage to open up atks, its required hat you use either Rupture or Evi, the battle conditions will tell you wat to do, if you open up with Garrote its best you use Evi when at 3-5 Pts on the Enemy, but if you use Cheap Shot ( NO Ambush ) its best you use Rupture then start hacking/slashing away with Hemorr and Evi. Also in this build since you do less Instant/Burst Dmg its best you use Swords, no Maces because since the patch up Blizzard has reduced the ammount of Dmg Maces do with Rogues. Using Swords with Strength and Agilty are the key ( No Stamina, your gear can do that ) because you want to hit hard while doing DoT.
A Place to test your builds :
* BTW they have this for Every Class in the Game! *
[4] Sites

A place to Test Rogue builds * and other classes *:

Rogues Weapons Chart:


There will be more sites added in the Future, so keep this alive Very Happy.
[5] Abilitys

Its good to know you surrounding right?, well thats the same with with your Rogue abilitys, best to know what your using eh? Heres a Niffty little site with this info, Ill post my own as soon as I colaborate it.

I hope you like this.
[6] Professions

+ Mining

This is a grreat money maker for a Rogue and I highly recommend it at low lvls so you can save up for a mount, if you do this for farming mats its best you pair it w/ Skinning, Blacksmithing is practicly useless with Rogues because Rogues don't use Mail or Plate, and the weapons that are made arn't benifical for a Rogue.

+ Herbalism

A good partner with Alchemy, though not much of a money maker by itself w/ Alchemy its a money maker AND it can benifit the Rogue as well.

+ Skinning

This is a very good money making Profession, mixed with Mining, you'll be the god of making money when it comes to Professions, Leatherworking is good for lvls 5 - 40, but at higher lvls it becomes a pain and becomes useless to a Rogue. Skinning is good for Farming w/ Mining.

PVE Rogue Solo Template

This paragraph is the exact same text for all solo and group PvE templates, so after you read this once you can just skip it for other classes. These are templates for what we consider the best viable templates for PvE purposes ONLY. A solo template is assuming that you never plan on grouping. A group template assumes you are in a group 100% of the time, such as end game instances. We have also been asked to provide info on what skills should be taken at which levels, this is really difficult as it would depend on exact individual play styles. However, there is a number in parenthesis before each skill, this number is the level recommended you would take the skill at, of course this is extremely prejudiced because it is based on someone elses play style.

Assassination Talents - 16 points

(10-11-12-13-14)Malice - rank 5/5

(50-51-52)Ruthlessness - rank 3/3

(48-49)Improved Slice and Dice - rank 2/3

(53)Relentless Strikes - rank 1/1

(54-55-56-57-58)Lethality - rank 5/5

Combat Talents - 35 points

(17-18-19)Improved Gouge - rank 3/3

(15-16)Improved Sinister Strike - rank 2/2

(42-43-44-46-47)Lightning Reflexes - rank 5/5

(20-21-22-23-24)Deflection - rank 5/5

(26-27-28-29-30)Precision - rank 5/5

(59-60)Improved Evasion - rank 2/2

(25)Riposte - rank 1/1

(31-32-33-34-35)Dual Wield Specialization - rank 5/5

(37-38-39-40-41)Mace Specialization - rank 5/5

(36)Blade Flurry - rank 1/1

(45)Adrenaline Rush - rank 1/1

Rogue PVP Tips

Here are some tips to duel, or 1v1 pvp better:

1. Waiting for the right moment - If you have the 2 points in Imp. Sap this tip will work even better than without, say you are dueling a priest or mage, they have their shield up. Chain sap them till the shield wears off, then continue with the battle. Yes, it might be a boring 45 seconds or whatever but, if you can do 2 sinister strikes while the shield is down as a sword combat rogue I can get a extra 1000 damage from back to back sinister strikes. If you don't have 2 points in Imp. Sap then, wait for the shield to go down then try to cheap shot asap.

2. Using terrain - This has saved me so many times. When dueling a prot. specc warriorm or, any warrior when I open with my cheapshot, sinister strike, sinister strike, and then rupture I make my way to a small building or something that you can jump over, such as the giant spikes infront of org, and then kite the warrior till im out of combat, then restealth. If you are vs. a warrior watch his stances. If he is in zerker, you might want to stay between 5yds (Min attack range) and 8yds (Min charge range). This will take some practice but, it can work very well. Yes, it does make a very lame pitiful fight but, it gets the job done well!

3. Kick! - This is awsome to begin with but, if you are specced into Imp. Kick it is about 5 times better. If you are dueling a shadow priest, and you kick it with Imp. Kick it can't cast for 2 seconds leaving you the window to do whatever you want. If you are dueling against a good priest they will unshift and heal but, not all of them do that. If you are lucky one will and you can get a 5 point KS off and own if without the shadow damage reduction for 6 seconds! Don't waste kick thought. If a warlock is casting a dot, save it for a shadowbolt or something that can really do some damage.

Chest Farming Guide

First off, this guide is meant for rogues or druids, since both have stealth, and lock picking is a must.

To begin, you have to designate one rogue or the druid to be the 'Meat Shield'. Start off by wall jumping up the wall to your immediate right as you enter (the exit after the final boss of ramparts).

From there, make sure you and the partner are both in stealth, and watch out for the circular patrol that can spot invisible units. Rogues and druids will know this by the light blue circle that appears above the NPC's heads when you are stealthed. Next, distract the circular patrol when they are far away from the chest, and here's where the meat shield and a bit of hope comes in. Have the other rogue sprint and evasion towards the chest, then off that area you wall climbed up (for a druid, use whatever speed boost you can). This will cause the NPC's to leave the chest and follow your partner, and they cannot follow all the way down, making them evade glitch to my knowledge. While they are trying to go after your partner, you should be free to pick the lock on the chest (if the locked one is currently in that position) and grab the loot. Congratulations, that's chest one.

Either vanish and go for the next chest, which is by the first boss, or leave and reset the instance. If you are going for the second chest (which when you actually do the instance, is the first chest), you'll have to wall jump back up towards that circular area. Distract the NPC's that patrol that rim far enough away that you can walk through the middle of that ring, into the hallway, and down the spiral ramp. You'll be in the room with the first boss and his two healers. Make your way through that area until you get to the next chest, again with more stealth detectors. Use the same plan as before, one person leads them away, the other grabs the chest. Congratulations, that's chest two.

I cannot stress enough, though, how much patience you need to have around those stealth detecting units. If you watch their path and time their path, you'll save yourself a hefty repair bill, and wasted time. One more thing that can compromise your chest nabbing is if your partner gets dazed and killed before you can open the chest. My rogue friend and I both were able to farm these chests with minimal problems, even with dazed effects (wasn't dazed too often). The only thing about farming this method, you have to/should split the profits 50/50 with your partner.